Chris Stretch, LCSW


We are deeply saddened by the recent passing of Chris Stretch, LCSW. As a therapist, mindset & performance coach, and a passionate public speaker, Chris was able to reach thousands of students and families with his message of grit, resilience, and hope.

Chris had partnered with us and many local organizations including Beach Cities Health District, Positive Coaching Alliance, Amigos Unidos, as well as local PTAs and schools. He also provided sports psychology, team building, and coach consulting services to local youth and high school sports programs.

A key tenant of Chris’s coaching was to focus on response-ability. He believed that all of us are born with significant, innate potential for excellence, yet few of us truly harness such potential and do so consistently. Through his work, Chris was able to bring out that potential in others and guide them to a purposeful path. Chris will be missed and will be remembered for his kindness, compassion and dedication to helping people be their best selves.

For more about Chris’s professional and sports background, visit Beach Cities Health District’s In Memoriam pdf. Our hearts go out to Chris’s family, clients, friends, and all those who knew him.



It was an honor to work with Chris and see firsthand his deep commitment to helping youth thrive. His ability to connect with an auditorium full of teens, hold their attention, and motivate them to be their best selves, was truly remarkable. I’m grateful for my friendship with Chris and the inspiration his memory gives me to listen without judgment, practice gratitude, and share and connect authentically. Thank you, Chris. We will miss you.
— Laura Short McIntire, Founder the Families Connected Project, & Creative Director, SBFC
Chris was especially admired by his fellow trainers and appreciated for his unique and insightful contributions to our team.
— Positive Coaching Alliance

For families needing support

We understand that Chris’s passing has impacted many families in our community. We encourage you to find support groups and resources and referrals on our Beach Cities Health District website, and check out the grief and traumatic events on South Bay Families Connected.

 Locally, the following resources are available:

Gathering Place Grief Support

Support groups that specialize in bereavement services for adults, teens and children



Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

Available to provide postvention for adults including parents and coaches

Stephanie LaMarche, LCSW,, 213-216-9004

Note: much of the copy for this blog was taken from Beach Cities Health District’s In Memoriam - Chris Stretch. Additionally, the support services and resources listed above were curated by Beach Cities Health District in an email sent out to the South Bay mental health community. We thank Beach Cities Health District for their leadership and support.